
In winter, boats and smell sweet and sour to sweet and fun looga scene worldwide. The nature of the boat is not only filled with sweet taste, but these fruits are rich in innumerable nutrients. It is also rich in nutrients. These fruits are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, 6 vitamins, 9 potassium, protein, mineral salts, carbohydrates, fiber, thiamine, phosphorus and folic acid. Tag

Boats are a mixture of four ingredients, shell, pulp, seeds and juice. Each of these four products is beneficial, even its skin and seeds are used. One boat satisfies 90% of the daily requirement of vitamin A.


Boats have the least calories. For example, a boat has 60 calories instead of just 35 calories. Malt has more vitamin C compared to other stressful fruits.


The pressure, especially the boat, has a white layer between the shell and the meat, which in English is called bone marrow. People often avoid it, but according to modern research, it is rich in fiber, which has many health benefits. In France, boats help with digestion and risk prevention, and in China it is often used for nausea and digestion.

Due to the very low calorie content, it has also been found to be very beneficial for weight loss.

Prevention of heart disease

Due to vitamin C and low levels of potassium and salt, it prevents narrowing of the blood vessels, causing the blood flow to slow down. Therefore, the blood pressure on one side will be moderate on the other side of the heart. Risks are also reduced.

Most cardiologists also say that because it contains vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium 6 and fiber, it improves heart health and reduces the risk of stroke by 49%.

It protects the digestive system

It contains a sufficient amount of mineral salt, which has been shown to be very effective for stomach and heart acid.

However, if the stomach is weak or uncooked, however, eating cannabis for breakfast has been shown to produce good results. Cannabis has been shown to be very beneficial for many stomach ailments. While its juice increases appetite.

Prevention of skin diseases

Most experts recommend that you consume or consume its juice in the winter in sufficient amounts of vitamin C and the presence of antioxidants in it, as well as to cleanse the skin by removing wrinkles on the face. Dedicate the skin.

Nutritionists recommend consuming one glass of wine every day as it not only improves the appearance of the face and skin but also promotes effective hair growth.

Prevention of cancer

Modern research has shown that cannabis is very effective in colon cancer.


Mental health and Alzheimer’s disease

It strengthens the brain as potassium, vitamin B9 and their antioxidants play an important role in brain development. Adequate potassium stimulates brain circulation, and the presence of vitamin B9 reduces brain weakness, leading to Alzheimer’s disease.

Its use also stops the growth of tumors.

Increased immunity

Nature has built the immune system of every human being to fight diseases called the immune system in healthy language. Vitamin C, nature is full of energy to strengthen the immune system. It can keep the immune system active in the human body.


In a recent study, drinking cannabis was more effective in older people with increased blood circulation in the hands and feet. And if you give him hemp juice regularly for three months, it will help a lot. However, diabetes should be used on a doctor’s advice.

Proliferation of blood cells

Its extra use not only increases blood circulation, but also helps in the formation of red blood cells.

Folate and vitamin B in it help speed up blood circulation and help create new blood. Cholesterol lowering: According to a recent study by the French, because it contains a lot of potassium, it makes the body sodium. It lowers blood pressure and has moderate cholesterol. Doctors agree that regular consumption raises good cholesterol by gradually lowering bad cholesterol.


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